Thursday, May 20, 2010

Well, Tomorrow I start the challenge. I got a overwhelming amount of feedback from my family and friends on facebook. At first I was really excited as I started to write them all down on a piece of paper...until I saw that I had 66 suggestions and counting. It would be impossible for me to do them all! I am having to sort though them all and pick the ones that I should do. Which means forcing myself to pick hard ones, not just the smaller ones. But I also face the problem of thinking I am invincible and giving myself to much. I want this challenge to be something that I can finish but at the same time be something that I have to work at completing. I think I will have a hard time watching my regular tv shows this week :)

Amoung the ones that are already on my list.

Eat with a homeless person
Hike Multnomah Falls
Eat a huge dairy queens soft ice cream and pay for the person behind me
Pretend I know a random person
Write a anomymous appreciation note
Visit a retirement home and read to someone
Buy a hundred Starburst candies at target while wearing my star trek uniform
Make a a starburst chain with 100 wrappers
Sleep under the stars
Try on 11 prom dresses take pictures
Read and write about "Brave new world" by Aldous Huxley
Read a whole newspaper, write notes
Watch a old sci fi movie
Teach myself to change a tire
Learn my favorite song on guitar
Learn and video my attempts on Tuvan Throat singing
Boycott things made in China for the 20 days
Meet 20 people
write 20 reasons why i am glad I am a christian
Prepare a five course meal
paint a picture

There still might be more if people continue to post some good ones. But I think this is a great starter list. Some will be a lot harder for others, but I am hoping for the best and that It will be fun!

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